SOS Frequently Asked Questions
- Successfully Orienting Students (SOS)
- SOS Frequently Asked Questions
The questions below include scenarios for both in-person and virtual sessions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Attending SOS is required to keep your class schedule. Students who do not participate in a virtual or in-person SOS session for any reason will be dropped from their schedules after the last SOS session for the term. They will not be permitted to register for classes until the day after the last SOS session for the term. At that time, it will be very difficult to obtain a schedule of classes applicable to your major.
We respect your past college experience and understand that you are likely able to effectively schedule classes. However, SOS is designed to help you successfully transition into Auburn University. By teaching you about the resources unique to our university and connecting you with other transfer students and an Orientation Counselor who can help through the transition, you will gain a better understanding of the university and how to thrive at Auburn
You will receive a series of emails from the First Year Experience office to your Auburn email account regarding your SOS session. Immediately after registering for your session, you will receive an automated registration confirmation. This email will include a link to a confirmation letter with more details about your session. A few days prior to your session date, you will receive another email to your Auburn account with specific information about your session. If you are attending an in-person session, this email will include final details about where to park and go for check in. If you are attending a virtual session, this email will include links to the virtual SOS presentations.
You will also receive communication from other campus departments. Continue to check your Auburn email frequently.
Once you register for SOS, it is preferred that you remain in that session. However, if a session change is necessary, please email our office at with all of your available options and we will assist you in finding another available session. Please email from your Auburn account.
Students should contact Auburn University’s Office of Accessibility at (334) 844-2096 or They will determine what accommodations would be appropriate for a productive and enjoyable SOS experience, and share any necessary information with our office. More information can be found on the Office of Accessibility website.
If that is the case, we recommend participating in one of our in person sessions. If that is not possible, please contact First Year Experience at as soon as possible for assistance.
You will be assigned an Orientation Counselor who is a current student. You will meet with them and a small group of incoming transfer students during your SOS session.
Still have questions?
First Year Experience can help with general questions or can refer you to the office who can assist with more specific questions. If you need assistance, please email from your Auburn email and one of our staff will be happy to help you.