CWE & SOS Application Information

2024 Orientation Counselor team

2024 Orientation Counselor team

Click Here for the Application Link.


For insights into the role and tips, check out our social media:

Information Session:

Tuesday, September 24 from 8 - 9 p.m. in Mell 2550

Drop-In Table:

Wednesday, October 2 from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. in 189 Foy Hall

Come anytime during this window to talk with a Head Counselor, learn about the role, and get any questions answered. 

  1. Read all requirements and mandatory dates and ensure there are no conflicts.
  2. Review the application details so you can be prepared to submit your application.
  3. Submit your application by Tuesday, October 8 at noon.
  4. Sign up for your Round 1 Interview by Tuesday, October 8 at noon. More information will be provided once you submit your application. The sooner you apply and sign up for an interview time, the more options you will have. We respectfully ask that you not select your interview time until the application has been submitted. 
  5. Review the next steps in the interview process.

Check out these Frequently Asked Questions about the orientation position.

Do I have to know everything about Auburn to be selected for the Orientation Counselor job/position?

Absolutely not! Just like with many jobs, there is a training process to prepare you. In the spring, you’ll hear from many campus departments and learn the history, traditions and some fun facts about Auburn. Whether you are new to Auburn or have been here multiple years, the First Year Experience team will prepare you to be successful in the role.

Do I have to be extroverted and super energetic in order to be an Orientation Counselor?

Definitely not! Since we work with many types of new students, the Orientation staff also needs different personalities to be successful. We’ve had extroverted and outgoing people on the team, and others who are quiet and reserved. We aren’t looking for a specific type of personality. Be yourself in the interview and let us see who you really are.

Can I do this job if I transferred into Auburn?

Absolutely! Whether you started here as a freshman or transferred in from another institution, anyone is welcome to apply. The FYE team values each student’s experiences. The diverse perspectives of all our students contribute to an amazing orientation team who serve our incoming freshmen, transfer students, and their families. We often have students who apply for this role during their first semester at Auburn and are very successful as Orientation Counselors.

How involved at Auburn do I need to be in order to be an Orientation Counselor?

Being involved at Auburn is not a requirement for our role. To us, it is more about your performance throughout the interview process than your resume. We are looking for people who genuinely want to positively impact our incoming students and their families regardless of their other campus involvement. In fact, being an Orientation Counselor has been the first Auburn leadership role many former counselors have had and can be a great way to meet new people and learn about future involvement opportunities.

Will I be able to be involved in other organizations or have a heavier academic course load if I am selected as an Orientation Counselor?

Yes, but you will need to manage your time effectively to balance all your responsibilities. You will generally have the time commitments from us in advance, so it just requires some planning and coordination. We’ve had counselors who were leaders of other organizations, who worked on or off campus, or who took heavy academic loads. Consider also that the role and responsibilities of the Orientation Counselor varies by semester. In the 2025 spring semester, you will be in training for three hours each week and you’ll need another 2-4 hours each week to prepare for that training session. In the summer, the orientation schedule is very demanding. It will be difficult to enroll in classes, particularly those which meet in person, but we’ve had some success with counselors enrolling in online courses. In fall 2025, your commitment is very light outside of the scheduled SOS sessions.

Last modified: September 16, 2024